AvA ngeluarin film lagi, jdulnya sm kayak nama album nya, Love tp ini filmya :D Love, film sci fi yg dibuat AvA dan disutradarai oleh William Eubank pertama kali premiere 2 February 2011 26th Annual Santa Barbara International Film dan sudah ditayangkan di 460 theatre di Amerika pada 10 agustus 2011
Love menggambarkan pribadi-psikologis efek isolasi dan kesepian ketika astronot menjadi terdampar di ruang dan melalui ini, menekankan pentingnya hubungan manusia dan cinta. Selain itu, ia menyentuh kerapuhan eksistensi manusia (digali melalui skenario-apokaliptik Bumi kiamat mati) terinspirasi oleh Carl Sagan memperingatkan di pale blue dot dan mempertimbangkan pentingnya kenangan dan cerita sebagai warisan kemanusiaan
In the year 2039, United States Astronaut Lee Miller is sent to the International Space Station as a one-man skeleton crew to examine if it is safe for use after it had been abandoned two decades earlier. Shortly after arriving on-board, Lee loses contact with Earth and finds himself stranded in orbit alone. As time passes and life support systems dwindle, Lee battles to maintain his sanity and to stay alive. His world is a claustrophobic and lonely existence and he begins to dream of prior crew members -both Russian and American- depicted in Polaroids left aboard the station from previous missions. After experiencing power problems, Lee is forced to journey into a portion of the ship that he earlier depressurized where he makes a strange and inexplicable discovery, the journal of a Civil War captain from 1864. Love explores the fundamental human need for connection and the limitless power of hope. A high-impact visual adventure, that resonates a common truth, that everyone has a story to tell and something even greater to leave behind.
filmya bisa di beli di modlife.com ; itunes.com ; avashop.com
kalo mau nonton tp ga mau beli filmya bisa liat dan download di video bawah ini :D
admin udah nntn tp ga ngerti ceritanya -__- mungkin karena g ada subtitlenya ^^ tp dr filmnya jg aneh, tiba2 udh ada di bumi lg -__-
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